“自拍偷拍” China aims to launch Mars sample-return mission around 2028


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“自拍偷拍” China aims to launch Mars sample-return mission around 2028

发布日期:2024-09-10 00:46    点击次数:171

“自拍偷拍” China aims to launch Mars sample-return mission around 2028

HEFEI“自拍偷拍”, Sept. 5 (Xinhua) -- China plans to carry out the Tianwen-3 mission through two launches around 2028, aiming to bring back samples from Mars, a Chinese space expert said on Thursday.


Liu Jizhong, chief designer of China's Mars sample-return mission, unveiled the details at the 2nd International Deep Space Exploration Conference in Tunxi of Huangshan City in east China's Anhui Province.  ■

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